The Rona 2020: 1 Million served worldwide

The Rona 2020: 1 Million served worldwide

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04.02.20 - "The Rona 2020: 1 Million served worldwide" was created after 14 days of following the "stay at home" order put forth by California Governor Gavin Newsom.  I woke up on April 2nd and as per my stay-at-home routine, I checked the John Hopkins coronavirus map first thing. The worldwide total confirmed cases had jumped to just over 1 Million. I was numb and then sad. I picked up my pen and started drawing. My sadness faded a little as I focused on the fact that our world-culture and the human race were being united by a common enemy. That we were communicating more with each other. And I began remembering all the acts of kindness that had begun to emerge during this terrible time. This is the second piece in this series.

These premium quality, hand signed and numbered archival limited edition prints all begin with a pen and ink drawing and are unframed.

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