04.06.20 - "The Rona 2020: 1.3 Million served worldwide" was created after 18 days of following the "stay at home" order put forth by California Governor Gavin Newsom. I woke up on April 6th and as per my stay-at-home routine, I checked the John Hopkins coronavirus map first thing. I couldn't believe it: over 100,000 More confirmed cases (people) worldwide were reported while I was sleeping. The worldwide total had jumped to just over 1.3 Million. At first, I was angry again. But then something happened. I went on social media and it was flooded with humor and acts of kindness and gratitude: everything from people shopping for others, people making masks in their homes for others, healthcare workers lip syncing, baby animals being cute and a ton of funny memes...and hearts. HEARTS! They were all over. Hearts being placed in residential windows, on front doors, at random roadside signs, airplanes sky-writing them, individuals creating groups about "heart sightings" ect. I forgot about the anger and smiled and picked up my pen and started drawing. I found myself focusing on hearts.....on the fact that physically we all have one and that the organs most effected by this virus are the lungs and that they sort of internally, anatomically, hug the heart. Then I thought about the phrase "heavy is the heart." This is the fifth piece in the series.
These premium quality, hand signed and numbered archival limited edition prints all begin with a pen and ink drawing and are unframed.